The Xeno virus showed up just before I was about to release this version, and has been added. VirusX only knows how to remove this virus from RAM - NOT how to get it off your disks. The Xeno virus does no damage that I can see. It has the word 'fastfilesystem' embedded in it, but as far as I can tell, this is only to make sure that it does NOT infect that file, so your hard disk will remain safe. It will also not infect any file which contains any non-alphabetical character (ie, it will infect 'Hello' but not 'Hello.exe'). If VirusX reports that the virus is in RAM, you should take the version of KV included with this archive, and check every file from your startup-sequence, as well as any other programs you've run that session. If the Xeno virus is found anywhere, it would be a good idea to check your entire HD (if you have one), and any floppies you used recently - This virus spreads like wildfire! Any file that was Opened, or loaded, or even looked at close enough (Lock()'ed) will be infected. That brings to 4 the number of Non-Bootblock viruses this version of VirusX can handle. (IRQ, RLamer, BGS-9, and Xeno). I'm always interested in seeing more non-bootblock viruses! Note also that there is a problem with the way this version of VirusX removes the Revenge of the Lamer virus from RAM. It will remove it all right, but the machine will probably crash, and you will probably have to power down to get things back to normal - I'd rather release it with this bug than make people wait for me to find the time to fix it. I will release an update when I can. You'll probably also notice that this version is quite a bit bigger than the previous one. I hope to have some time to spend shrinking it before I release the update to this one... but for now yes, it's about 7K bigger than the last one. It's current file size is 19016 Bytes. This version of VirusX was compiled with Lattice C 5.04, and uses my SimpleRequest() function to generate the requesters. The source for SimpleRequest() is available separately from quality PD collections everywhere. 8-) With these requesters, you need only hit the first letter of the gadget name to make something happen (or you can click on it). For requesters with only one gadget, you can usually just hit return. ...Steve